A Day Out at NYBG
I played hooky with my son last week, and we spent the day at the New York Botanical Garde—in all its autumn splendor. It wasn’t all play and no work, however. We each did a little homework, and mine was gorgeous. Peek inside!
The Tulip Stairs
The famed Tulip Stairs in Greenwich's Queen's House are an architectural marvel, but there’s been a long-standing debate about the design of the iron balustrade that embraces this staircase. Are they tulips or the traditional fleur-de-lys?
Sylvia Plath’s “Tulips”
A haunting and emotional poem, in which tulips are personified and given such a powerful and central presence that they function almost like characters.

Easter & Passover Flowers, Their Symbolic Meaning
These flowers carry the spiritual and emotional themes of purification, renewal, rebirth, and personal transformation.